Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Reason of Our Child Become a Sore Loser

My eldest son is a sore loser and I am so worried about him as he has put a lots of pressure to himself to win. So I have try to find a way to change him and I have found an article about it from by Lawrence Kutner Ph.D. as follow:-

The reasons for becoming a sore loser might be:-

1. They worry about what others think of them if they don't win, or feel that winning is what make them good people.

2. Bad losers have more trouble than other children in making and maintaining friendships. The difficulty with friendships increases their feelings of worthlessness and, therefore, their need to win.

3. The reasons for becoming a sore loser rest in a combination of genetics and environment. More commonly, they get from their families, teachers, and the mass media. Children watch how their parents handle things when they're frustrated. Some children who are sore losers have parents who are sore losers, who teach through their actions that getting angry is the best way to handle frustration. Even well-meaning questions like, "Did you do your best?" can unintentionally give some children a disturbing message. If they didn't do their best, they worry that their parents or coaches will view them as disappointments. If they did do their best and still failed, then perhaps they are hopeless.